Monday, July 11, 2011

Ultrasound and Trigger!!

Just got back from my ultrasound.  They really have a good gig going there.  I was only in the office for like 15 minutes and it cost me $225.  Crazy, but hopefully worth it because my right ovary had 2 nice follicles measuring 19 and 20.  Plus, my uterine lining was trilaminar (I think thats the word, but there were 3 layers) and thicker.  So, we went ahead with the trigger shot. The nurse gave it to me, which was good because I don't think that my husband would have been able to do it.  Now, I'm letting myself just get excited because I will ovulate in 36 hours, on CD 16 which will be the earliest that I have ever ovulated!! Plus, CJ and I will have perfectly timed BD'ing so that's good.  I'm gonna try to stay happy, relaxed, and excited!! Here we go!!