Monday, September 26, 2011

More bad news...

Well, I had my CD3 ultrasound today.  My right ovary looked good with a few antral follicles.  But my left ovary decided to hold on to the corpus luteum this time around.  Yep, I have a 3cm corpus luteum cyst on my left ovary and just like that there will be no femara or IUI this time around.  My options were birth control so that I could definitely get my next period in 4 weeks, provera (start taking it in a couple of weeks), or nothing and try naturally.  I just couldn't handle the idea of not trying this month, so we are going to go at it the old fashioned way.  I left the office in tears, but I went to a hot yoga class right afterwards and that always relaxes me and cheers me up.  So, I bought an unlimited monthly pass.  That's right, I'm tired of being a sad, depressed, not-pregnant, infertile woman who's always on the brink of tears. That stops today.  Now, I'm officially a Yogi!!  Let's see how many classes I can get to in the next 31 days!!  I can't wait!!

Plus. all this stretching has got to be good for BD'ing!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear this; that stinks. I used to do hot yoga a few years ago and found it to be so healing (and addictive). Good luck, yogi!

  2. So sorry you are benched this cycle :( Yoga sounds like a great idea though! My husband is a neonatal fellow and I can not even imagine how hard it is to take this on while working crazy resident hours. I hope this next month goes by quickly for you!
    ICLW #40

  3. That sucks!!!

    Yoga is great for the body and soul!!! I would just avoid the hot yoga classes after you ovulate!!

    Happy ICLW

  4. Oh sister... We are both having unexpected complications this cycle. I took Femara and didn't ovulate at all. Provera is in my future. :(

  5. I'm so sorry :( this stinks!!!

    But I'm glad ur turning to yoga!! I hear nothing but good things about it :) good luck sweetie.. Will b praying for u

  6. Hello from ICLW. Sorry to hear about postponing your IUI/Femara. I am glad you cheered yourself up with a monthly yoga pass. I love hot yoga....although the last place I went to do it smelled terrible inside and this old guy kept farting...hilarious yet so gross. Hope the stretching makes you extra happy.

  7. Sorry to hear about your scan... I had a cycle cancelled b/c of cyst early on in our IVF journey - I was soooo disappointed :( Love yoga too... it certainly is great for feeling better and forgetting about IF. Have fun the 'old-fashioned way' this month :)) xoox

  8. I'm really sorry about your scan. I'm wishing you luck on the trying the old fashioned way and hope the hot yoga can continue to help you continue to feel better. Yeah for being a Yogi :)

  9. Just checking in. You haven't updated in a while so I wanted to make sure you are okay. Feel free to email me at createdfamily at gmail dot com. I hope you are doing well.

  10. It's been 30 days, so I'm hoping you have started a new cycle or are at least close. Thinking of you...and wishing you would post more often. We miss you in blogosphere world. xo
