Thursday, February 9, 2012

How am I going to make it to tomorrow?

Today has crawled by.  I'm super anxious about the Beta tomorrow.  I have another lecture at work and then I'm heading home where I plan on relaxing on the couch, watching tv, and trying to go to sleep as early as possible.  Please, please, please let this be it!!!


  1. You are on the home stretch now! I think its awesome how long and patiently you have waited. GOod luck tomorrow!

  2. Hang in there girl! Go home and go to be early! We'll all be here cheering for you!

  3. I hope and pray for you as well!!! I hope to see some great numbers tomorrow!

  4. Wishing you all the best and cant wait to hear what they are. Im sure they are nothing but perfect!!! :)
