Friday, March 23, 2012

I'm officially more pregnant than I have ever been...

Today I am 10 weeks and 2 days along.  With my last pregnancy, this is the exact day in the pregnancy when we found out that our angel had stopped growing at 8w5d.  We found out around 1-2pm in the afternoon.  Seeing as it is now 7pm and I'm still nice and knocked up (and the babies were waving at me on the impromtu ultrasound that I just did with cute little fluttering hearbeats), that makes me officially more pregnant that I have ever been.  I definitely feel more pregnant this time around thanks to my expanding abdomen, my sore boobs, and the worsening nausea.  I'm not sure when I'll start feeling confident in this pregnancy, but for now I'm so happy and grateful to be wear I am and to have 2 little eagles growing nice and big and strong inside me (and making their presence known while they're doing so.) 

Happy Friday to everyone and I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend!!  I'm oncall for the next 12 hours...but who's counting?!?


  1. Congratulations! Keep taking care of those babies!

  2. Oh, I am so happy for you that you have reached this milestone, and your little eagles are still growing!!! Yay!

  3. Yay! Yay! (Since there are two-they already have to share a womb, I won't make them share a "yay" too) :)

  4. Yay! Isn't it nice to pass those milestones?!

  5. Congratulations, 10W2d is fantastic, and clearly your little eagles are doing great. I hope that the confidence comes soon, I know it must be so stressful after a loss last time. Glad everybody is doing great. Here's to another great 28 weeks or so! :)

  6. Yay for creating new milestones/achievements!!

  7. YAY for passing previous milestones! Thinking of you!
