Sunday, September 30, 2012

37 hours and counting...

Until my induction!!

8am Tuesday morning!!

I cannot wait to meet these babies!!  They passed a couple non-stress tests on Friday and today.  I still have some protein in my urine, but my BP is normal, so they didn't want to move up my induction.  It's not like I'm counting down or anything, but I cannot wait to meet these 2!!  I know that I could still go into labor before then, but it's nice to have such a short time line.

Now, I'm just going to be doing constant kick counts, a few checks with my doppler, and trying to stay busy over the next 37 hours!!  Here we go!!


  1. Hope the next 37 hours goes quickly!

  2. Excited for you to meet your rainbow babies! Hope everything goes smoothly AJ.

  3. Yay!!! Good luck - cant wait to hear about them!

  4. Good luck!!! I hope things go as planned. Its so exciting to finally meet the babies that you've been cooking for 9 month:)

  5. Sending you many good thoughts for a happy and healthy delivery!

  6. How exciting! Can't wait to hear of their arrival! Wishing you a speedy and safe delivery :)

  7. Ahh today is the day!!!! Cannot wait - good luck mama - you've got this!

  8. I hope it went well!!!!! Can't wait for an update!
