Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another Day, another update...

Today, I had my appointment after stimming for 7 days.  Things are looking good.

On my right ovary I had 5 follicles ranging from 14-18 and 3 other ones between 10-12 and some other smaller ones.  On my left, I had 2 follicles between 14-17 and some smaller ones.  I'm definitely feeling lots of twinges/pain mostly on my right now.  We are stimming for another day and I go back in tomorrow for some more fun with the ultrasound and bloodwork.

My doctor called and updated me and my E2 level jumped up to 1217.  Wahoo!  Another great increase.  So, we are decreasing the meds a little bit tonight to Gonal-F 375 and HCG 10 and I'll take the Cetrotide at 10:15pm again tonight.  I'm thinking that I will either trigger tomorrow night or Monday night at the latest.

It's been a great birthday so far with the good news from my doctor's appointment and the phone calls from family and friends.  I'm still a little bummed that there's no big party, but let's face it, I'm not going to be much of a partier tonight anyways.  lol.  I did pick up some ginger beer at the store which is delicious and alcohol and caffeine free.  It's a really nice treat!!  I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Day #8 of stims here we come (and my first night of stimmimg as  a 29 year old!!


  1. Happy birthday girl!!! Enjoy that ginger beer. Mmmmm sounds delish!

  2. Happy birthday! Glad the stims are working well enough that you can decrease the meds a little. :-)

  3. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like things are progressing well! I am on day 3 on stims but don't get to find out what is going on until Monday. Retrieval will be here before you know it.

  4. Happy late birthday! Looks like stims are going great! Good luck!
