I've been inspired by Amber at
Four to Adore to start writing about and celebrating the little things that happen each week. You can check out her post
here where she talks about how she found out about the idea and then got started with this weekly themed post. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up with this every week, but I'm going to try. After all, my babies are growing up so fast and I would love to be able to look back at a glance and remember all the little special things they do each week.
Here we go!
1. Saturday we had our 2nd set of professional photographs taken. This time, I picked out the photographer and with her help 4 cute outfits for the whole family (minus our puppy.) The photo shoot was outside. The setting and weather were beautiful and we all looked great!! I will post a picture as soon as we can them back. I think the kids knew how exciting and important this was for me because at 6:30pm they were super happy and smiley...until 7:30pm when the started to melt down. All in all, it was a great experience and I can't wait to see the results!!
2. Sunday brunch with our baby group was a huge success. Two of my friends from work had babies around the same time as I had the twins and we regularly hang out with our families for dinner, drinks, lunches. Sunday, we decided to try brunch. It was great...a little chaotic, but overall a great outing. The babies were all awake and super cute and we got to catch up and share advice and recommendations as well as eat some delicious food. I did have to share my toast with the little eagles, but that just made it more fun since I was able to give them real people food which the gummed and played with for a little while!! They really are getting big!
3. This one is about me real quick. I got out of work a little early on Tuesday, so I headed home to pump, study, and make some brownies. After I got the brownies in, I decided to lay down for like 15 minutes. Well, I never heard the timer go off and about an hour later I woke up to some very well done brownies. Oops. We have still been eating them this week and they taste like very crunchy chocolate cookies!!
4. The little eagles have a new favorite evening activity.
And it's called eating frozen bananas with this wonderful contraption. Seriously, it has turned fussy baby time in the evenings into happy baby time. It's kind of annoying to clean, but because it gives us time to clean up the kitchen and make dinner, it's totally, totally worth it!!
5. We also bought the babies a bubble maker this week and tried it out on our back patio. I think CJ may like it more than the babies and we didn't get any pictures because we were both holding babies, but we are looking forward to trying it out in the park this spring!! Here's the one we got.
6. Finally, both babies slept through the night last night! They do it off and on or one will sleep through and the other will wake up once, but I just want to celebrate that both babies were asleep by 8pm and we woke them up at 5am so that I could feed them before running to work.
Okay, that's all for now. I'm still at work, but hoping to get home to my little eagles and CJ soon.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope your week has been made up of some lovely little things as well!!