A blog about life, love, loss, and hope. This is my story about trying to conceive after a miscarriage.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
37 hours and counting...
8am Tuesday morning!!
I cannot wait to meet these babies!! They passed a couple non-stress tests on Friday and today. I still have some protein in my urine, but my BP is normal, so they didn't want to move up my induction. It's not like I'm counting down or anything, but I cannot wait to meet these 2!! I know that I could still go into labor before then, but it's nice to have such a short time line.
Now, I'm just going to be doing constant kick counts, a few checks with my doppler, and trying to stay busy over the next 37 hours!! Here we go!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Almost 37 weeks!!
Still at 3cm dilated. She stripped my membranes and we are all keeping our fingers crossed that I go into labor in the next couple of days!!
Come on babies!!
So close...
From Tuesday, September 25.
Yesterday CJ and I got to spend some quality time together on L&D. I started having this bizarre and very painful left shoulder and back pain that came in waves since Sunday night. The pain got so bad yesterday that I was in tears and could barely breathe. Around 3pm, I called the nurse who suggested I head in to L&D so that I could at least get some pain meds.
At L&D, they hooked me up to the monitors and the babies looked great. Then they did an ultrasound and baby girl is still head down and baby boy is breach. Their fluid levels looked good too. On the monitor, I was having frequent painful contractions every 2-5 minutes and some monster contractions that lasted for 3-4 minutes. During my 1st check, I was 2/50/-3. Then, they gave me some percocet which totally helped so that I could cope with the pain.
A couple of hours later I had progressed to 3/75/-2, so they recommended that I stay because this could actually be labor, but I had to get to 4cm. So after 2 more hours of painful contractions, they rechecked me and I was still at a 3. Huge Bummer. CJ and I had tried not to get too excited but it was hard not and then to find out that we would be going home was a big let down. At this point, it was time for more percocet and then we were heading home. The nurses and doctors were hopeful that I would be in full blown labor either in a few hours or within the next couple of days.
I got some sleep overnight, but continued to have intermittent painful contractions, but nothing unbearable. I just washed a lot of dishes and may go for a quick walk to try to get things going before my doctor's appointment at 9am this morning. I cannot wait to meet these babies!!
Come on little eagles...we are ready for you!!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Ready to get this show on the road!!
The only signs I have of possible impending labor is possibly starting to lose my mucus plug over the weekend and persistent loose stools, which I heard can be a sign because the body is cleaning its self out in preparation for labor. I'm still having frequent contractions, but no more than every 10 minutes and they usually stop after an hour max.
Next appointment is on Wednesday!! Back to work in the OR tomorrow. Maybe my water will break then...lol.
Let the 14 day countdown begin!!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
35 Weeks!!
I'll update more after my ultrasound tomorrow morning.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Nursery pics!!
The changing table and glider are borrowed for the year, which is great because we didn't have to buy them and we won't have to move them next year. The glider will likely go in our bedroom down the hall so that we can rock a crying baby while the other baby is still hopefully sleeping!!
We went with Skip Hop's complete sheet Mod Dot for both babies. Our cribs are the Ocean V1 from Baby's dream collection and our crib mattresses are from Colgate. You can see our angel care monitors set up on the end of the crib as well. The cribs are full of all the babies clothes that we have received as gifts and hand-me-downs.
The art work on the walls is just some framed fabric that I did for our guest bedroom. We will likely be getting wall decals to coordinate with the colors in the sheets and curtains, but we are still waiting for the new curtains from my mother-in-law before we do any wall decorating.
This is the other side of the room. The glider will likely move to our bedroom and get a new cushion (so that we can give this borrowed one back in excellent condition. The changing pad is covered with the skip hop mod dot cover and the baskets below are from target!!
I love our dresser from Ikea!! The lamp we already had in the room and we might get a new shade for it, but it works for now. We're still not sure what we are going to do on top of the dresser or on the walls. We will need some place for books. All of those drawers are empty for now just waiting for us to wash some clothes and fill them up.
We still need to get a laundry hamper and a garbage can/diaper pail and then we'll be done with all the practical things. The decorating will come later and I can't wait until the new curtains arrive from my mother in law!!
Happy weekend!!
34 weeks!!
And I'm so glad that I did because my doctor today was wonderful. She was so nice and understanding and I felt like she was really listening to me. Plus, she was totally on-board with a scheduled induction sometime between 37-38 weeks. We left it that she would touch base with the MFMs who have been doing my ultrasounds and confirm with them that I don't need to go in for any non-stress tests and that it would be okay to go ahead and schedule my induction for 37 weeks!! I'm still waiting to hear back from her, but as long as I have an end-date between 37-38 weeks, I will feel so much better!!
In other news, I'm really big and starting to feel aches and pains all over. That being said I still worked Tuesday-Thursday in the operating room this week and only took today off to do some research and go to my appointment. Next week, my goal is to work 2 days in the OR. It's tough being at work, but it definitely helps the time to go by faster and everyone is so nice at work too!!
The babies are kicking away and I hope getting bigger!! We have another growth ultrasound next Friday (only 1 more week!!) and I'm going in for weekly appointments with my OB as well as doing obsessive kick counts and still using my doppler. I just want these babies here safe and sound!!
I'm going to post some nursery pics next, so stay tuned!!