Monday, December 12, 2011

A Wonderful Sight...

A quick update.  Since I'm taking this month off from fertility treatments in preparation for IVF next month,    I have been anxiously waiting to ovulate because I had no idea if or when I would on my own and I just want to get the party started for IVF already.  Well yesterday at CD 19, I had a beautiful sight...a smiley face on my OPK!!  It was awesome!!  Of course, we baby-danced away!!  I don't have any hopes for this cycle, but I'm just happy that I was able to ovulate in a reasonable amount of time and not have to use Provera.  I'm still waiting for my temp rise, but I had some cramps today so I thing operation ovulation is safely underway.

As soon, as ovulation is confirmed, I'll be starting a 14 day countdown to the start of IVF.  I'm counting my next CD 1 as the start of IVF.  It will be the first time since we started trying to get pregnant that I will be happy to see AF!!  It's gonna be a great Christmas


  1. YAY for a smiley face! :) Isnt it funny how there are VERY few times we are wishing for AF to arrive ? :)

  2. Yay...maybe this will be the miracle cycle. Xoxo

  3. Hooray for ovulation! I hope Santa doesn't bring AF but a BFP instead.
